mobXscan – Instant Barcode Reading Integration
Intelligent Data Capture with Keyboard input into any application. The easiest and most secure way to add Barcode Reading to any device and for any application. Fast and accurate Barcode reading.
Zero code or configuration change required. Just install mobXscan on Android, Windows or IOS* devices and read barcodes into data entry fields as though typing with a keyboard.

Talk to mobXscan and explore the versatile product, how to integrate it to your devices, applications and processes and our extemely competitive licensing model.
mobXscan uses powerful Barcode Decoding technology that reads almost any barcode, even very poorly printed or damaged, incredibly fast and at extended range.
mobXscan allows any device to become a powerful data capture tool. Android, Windows and IOS* – Smartphones, handheld computers and tablets instantly transformed to scan barcodes and collect data.
mobXscan can be deployed to almost any mobile device running Android, Windows* or IOS*. Distribution can be managed by any MDM or EMM system, and setup and use controlled centrally.
Intuitive operation

mobXscan has developed a highly functional and flexible keyboard to ensure maximum user satisfaction. With Smart Gestures and Swipe Typing manual keyboard entry has never been as fast and easy. When Barcode data entry is needed just press the scan button and the code will be read and data entered using the keyboad.
Powerful Scanning

mobXscan uses incredibly powerful barcode decoding technology that is capable of reading multiple codes simultaneously* and its performance remains excellent even when reading poor quality or damaged codes, with very fast reading speeds and read rate. All commonly used Barcodes are supported, for both standard barcodes and 2D codes such as QR and DataMatrix.
Data as you want it

How you use the Barcode data is as important as the data itself. mobXscan has been designed to easily integrate data to suit application requirements. Multiple scan trigger options*, any preamble and postamble needed, and additional text and control codes available, with even greater control under development to make mobXscan the most powerful Barcode reader available.
* some features to be released or project based